The short tells the story of a young couple in crisis who finds their way to a desert motel where three odd men plan to meet them for questionable reasons. This film explores what makes the unbelievable believable.
Directed by Kirsten Dunst, this short recreates the story of the birth of Jesus and transports it to the American desert in the present day. A beautifully photographed, modern nativity scene is shrouded in mystery and tinged with darkness, urging viewers to rethink a tale they know.
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Michel Gondry, 2012, United Kingdom
Leyla Bouzid, 2015, France
Bill Plympton, 1996, United States
Peter Tscherkassky, 2010, Austria
Martín Rejtman, 2014, Argentina
Bruno Dumont, 2006, France
Gaspar Noé, 2009, France
Natalia Orozco, 2017, Colombia
Szabolcs Hajdu, 2006, Hungary
Mads Matthiesen, 2012, Denmark