At a secluded summer camp in the Mexican countryside, supervised by their guardians, boys from a prestigious school receive physical, moral and religious training in order to be tomorrow’s elite. The discovery of a hole in the fence triggers a chain of disturbing events and hysteria quickly spreads.
What does it take to turn the most idyllic summer camp into a frenzy of violence? According to The Hole in the Fence, fear. With strong hints of The Lord of the Flies, this gripping Mexican thriller points its finger at the role of economic and religious powers in corrupting the youngest.
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Wim Wenders, 1984, West Germany
Sophie Letourneur, 2012, France
Ken Loach, 2007, United Kingdom
Mohamed Al-Daradji, 2005, Iraq
Liu Shu, 2012, China
Ken Loach, 2012, United Kingdom
David Cronenberg, 2014, Canada
David Zellner, 2012, United States
Lav Diaz, 2011, Philippines
Eric Eason, 2002, United States