Ventura, an elderly Cape Verdean immigrant living in Lisbon, is seemingly the inmate of a cavernous, antiquated psychiatric ward. As he traverses a seemingly endless night, an odyssey into his real, imagined and nightmarish memories begins.
From Portugal’s greatest living filmmaker comes this dreamlike hallucination of a lost soul belonging to the country’s repressed, abused, misused and forgotten underclass. With his rivetingly poetic political cinema, Pedro Costa gives the unheard and unseen a voice and a true cinematic presence.
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Takeshi Kitano (Beat Takeshi), 1996, Japan
Marlen Khutsiev, 1964, Soviet Union
Clément Cogitore, 2015, France
Nicolas Bonilauri,Christophe Ali, 2005, France
Rosemary Myers, 2015, Australia
Juan Cabral, 2019, United Kingdom
Shûji Terayama, 1981, France
Gabriel Retes, 1992, Mexico
Affonso Uchoa, 2014, Brazil
Veiko Õunpuu, 2007, Estonia