A parallel film history crafted from the fragmented remains of never-completed Argentine feature films. Stories and images that were once considered unsuccessful now take on a new meaning. Inert images and sounds never heard before are finally opened up for fresh discovery.
Leandro Listorti’s debut is a sublime experiment: a film resurrecting cinematic ghosts, injecting life into projects that never saw the light. Made out of unfinished Argentinian movies, this entrancing patchwork of fragmented narratives is an ode to the infinite possibilities of storytelling.
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Guy Maddin, 2007, Canada
Alain Resnais, 1956, France
Chris Marker, 1983, France
Jørgen Leth,Lars von Trier, 2003, Denmark
Stephen Kijak, 2006, United Kingdom
Steven Sebring, 2008, United States
Stuart Samuels, 2005, Canada
Peter Lennon, 1968, Ireland
Agnès Varda, 2000, France
Rob Epstein, 1984, United States