A surrealist tale of a man and a woman who are passionately in love with one another, but their attempts to consummate their love are thwarted by their families, the Church, and the bourgeois society.
Scorpions, lust, etiquette, war—his final collaboration with Dalí finds Luis Buñuel at a peak, offering up a provocative, darkly funny, and cheerfully blasphemous look at a “civilized” society about to tear itself apart. An essential classic of cinema, beckoning new viewers to take the plunge.
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Wim Wenders, 1984, West Germany
Sophie Letourneur, 2012, France
Ken Loach, 2007, United Kingdom
Mohamed Al-Daradji, 2005, Iraq
Liu Shu, 2012, China
Ken Loach, 2012, United Kingdom
Ettore Scola, 1964, Italy
David Cronenberg, 2014, Canada
David Zellner, 2012, United States
Lav Diaz, 2011, Philippines