Oskar, a bullied 12-year-old, strikes up a friendship with his new neighbor, the mysterious and moody Eli. Initially reserved, a sweet romance blossoms between them. But a dark, macabre secret revealing Eli’s connection to a string of bloody local murders threatens everything.
Swedish director Tomas Alfredson’s modern-day vampire story—the best of our era—is rapidly becoming a new arthouse classic. It remains remarkable: a wintry, heartfelt horror tale of loneliness and kinship, equally shocking and tender, with a deathly final embrace.
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Joe Swanberg, 2011, United States
Rolf de Heer, 2013, Australia
Marlen Khutsiev, 1964, Soviet Union
Roberto Minervini, 2013, Italy
Reha Erdem, 2009, Turkey
Nicolas Bonilauri,Christophe Ali, 2005, France
Juan Cabral, 2019, United Kingdom
George Schnéevoigt, 1929, Norway
Claude Berri, 1986, France
Veiko Õunpuu, 2007, Estonia