The centenary history of Clube Atlético Mineiro, from its founding in 1908 to its recent wins at Copa Libertadores and Copa do Brasil. The chronicle of a team born from the utopia of uniting white and black, poor and rich, and who resist misfortune and injustice on and off the field.
Can’t get enough football? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Following Atlético Mineiro from its early days to more recently, this film goes beyond the football field to observe the political and cultural relevance of a sport that lies at the core of Brazil’s identity—past, present, and future.
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Dziga Vertov, 1924, Soviet Union
Jana Sevciková, 1992, Czechoslovakia
Sebastian Dehnhardt, 2011, Germany
Florence Dauman, 2010, France
Saad Khan,Saadat Munir, 2013, Pakistan
Salomé Lamas, 2016, France
Robert Greene, 2011, United States
Colin K. Gray, 2006, United States
Marceline Loridan Ivens,Joris Ivens, 1968, France
Miguel Salazar, 2018, Colombia