The film centers on Bun (Lau Ching-Wan), a schizophrenic, former police inspector who comes out of retirement to help a rookie detective (Andy On) solve a complex murder case, involving a missing colleague and a suspected policeman (Lam Ka-Tung) suffering from a multiple personality disorder.
Ask a hardcore action fan, and Hong Kong’s Johnnie To is one of the most talented filmmakers working today. His latest, Blind Detective, was a favorite at Cannes, where it had a midnight screening. Check out its “mad” predecessor—a perfect introduction to To’s widescreen brilliance!
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Jiang Wen, 2010, China
Roland Klick, 1974, West Germany
Jacques Audiard, 2005, France
Gabriel Retes, 1989, Mexico
Christoph Schlingensief, 1976, West Germany
Joaquín Ortega, 2012, Spain
Derek Cianfrance, 2012, United States
Gérald Hustache-Mathieu, 2011, France
Sergio Martino, 1972, Italy
King Hu, 1971, Taiwan