Michael, a seemingly meek insurance agent, has a secret: he’s holding 10-year-old Wolfgang captive in a locked room in his basement. Chronicling a five month period, the film is a portrait of how seemingly mundane lives can hide the darkest secrets.
Venturing into the dangerous territory of Michael Haneke, this Cannes selection (and Viennale winner) polarized viewers with its deeply disturbing vision: a horror film whose target is the idea of home itself, with terrific performances and a plot as straight and sharp as the edge of a knife.
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František Vláčil, 1967, Czechoslovakia
Hélène Angel, 1999, France
Pedro Almodóvar, 2016, Spain
Humberto Solás, 1968, Cuba
Bernardo Bertolucci, 2012, Italy
Sergei Parajanov, 1965, Soviet Union
Gilles Cuvelier, 2010, France
Charles Poekel, 2014, United States
Boris Barnet, 1927, Soviet Union
Tommy Weber, 2016, France