To the sound of trumpets, a collection of pulverized antique bric-a-brac begins to reassemble itself, revealing a stuffed owl, a cornet, a hamper, books, a doll, a plate – and a bomb.
Gloriously subversive, Borowczyk’s stop-motion act of reconstructing a deconstructed series of household objects—before blowing them all up with nihilist glee—anticipates the work of Jan Svankmajer and the Quay brothers. Stunningly tactile, there’s little escaping the film’s political implications.
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Trevor Anderson, 2015, Canada
Peter Tscherkassky, 1992, Austria
René Laloux, 1966, France
Stephen Quay,Timothy Quay, 1995, United Kingdom
Rachel Lang, 2010, Belgium
Oskar Fischinger, 1938, United States
Stephen Quay,Timothy Quay, 1993, United Kingdom
Jonas Mekas, 1962, United States
Walerian Borowczyk, 1967, France
Pere Portabella, 1969, Mexico