The animated story of an inventor who builds a homemade spacecraft and uses it to have various adventures, including peeping at women, visiting ‘human’ planets, and becoming involved in intergalatic warfare.
Beginning his directing career in animation—inspiring Jan Švankmajer, Terry Gilliam, and the Quays—this ingenious first film from controversial expat Walerian Borowczyk was made in France using friend Chris Marker’s name to help it get produced.
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Peter Tscherkassky, 1999, Austria
Philippe Garrel, 1974, France
Eduardo Williams, 2013, France
Trevor Anderson, 2015, Canada
Serge Bard, 1968, France
Jean Painlevé, 1930, France
Benoît Forgeard, 2012, France
Peter Greenaway, 1991, France
Mathieu Hippeau, 2012, France
Peter Tscherkassky, 1999, Austria