In a small English coastal town, three teenage boys are drawn into a world of temptation and violence. Bored, troubled, excluded, unable either to accept or to recognise moral boundaries, their actions move inexorably towards a shocking act that will devastate the sleepy community.
The controversial feature debut of Thomas Clay—who wrote and directed this provocative cult classic at the age of just 27— is both hard-hitting and formally rigorous. Co-starring Lesley Manville, and featuring exceptional camerawork from the long-time cinematographer of one Theo Angelopoulos!
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Jill Soloway, 2013, United States
Fabio Grassadonia,Antonio Piazza, 2017, Italy
Esmir Filho, 2009, Brazil
Alexandru Petru Bădeliţă, 2015, France
Nanni Moretti, 1981, Italy
Joanna Hogg, 2013, United Kingdom
Takashi Miike, 2000, Japan
Alistair Banks Griffin, 2010, United States
Shôhei Imamura, 1983, Japan
Matías Lucchesi, 2014, Argentina