Upon publishing the final installment in his popular detective series, crime novelist Edo Celeste receives a cryptic envelope containing enigmatic photographs. These photos may be a clue to the mysterious disappearance of his fiancée. Celeste descends down a rabbit hole of strange occurrences…
Reminiscent of Mulholland Drive and the writing of Jorge Luis Borges, this Peruvian metaphysical drama goes deep into the weird wormholes of artistic creation. As fact bleeds into fiction, and structures crumble and fragment, we are left to pick up the pieces, clue by tantalizing clue.
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Gary Walkow, 2017, United States
Gregory Wilson, 2007, United States
George A. Romero, 1985, United States
Lamberto Bava, 1985, Italy
Markus Schleinzer, 2011, Austria
Claire Denis, 2001, France
Alex van Warmerdam, 2013, Netherlands
Takashi Miike, 2000, Japan
Derek Cianfrance, 2012, United States
Sergio Martino, 1972, Italy