This epic, decade-spanning biopic depicts the extraordinary life of Nobel Peace Prize winner Lech Walesa, this explosive film traces in dramatic fashion the growth of the Polish Solidarity movement, which was central to the collapse of the Soviet Union and Poland’s transition to democracy.
Andrzej Wajda’s masterful, penultimate film is an epic affair of enormous scope: a four-hour, four-decade tribute to the Nobel Peace Prize laureate, and former President of Poland Lech Wałęsa. Under the shadow of the Iron Curtain rose a call for collective solidarity that spearheaded a revolution.
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František Vláčil, 1967, Czechoslovakia
Hélène Angel, 1999, France
Pedro Almodóvar, 2016, Spain
Humberto Solás, 1968, Cuba
Bernardo Bertolucci, 2012, Italy
Sergei Parajanov, 1965, Soviet Union
Gilles Cuvelier, 2010, France
Charles Poekel, 2014, United States
Boris Barnet, 1927, Soviet Union
Tommy Weber, 2016, France