Dilawar, a rebellious seventeen-year-old orphan, dreams of escaping his strict uncle and his life in Kashmir. To do so, he supplements his income with illegal activities like pickpocketing. However, after he steals the passport of a local woman named Bani, the course of both of their lives changes.
Premiering at the Venice Film Festival, director Tariq Tapa’s searing neorealist debut is a heartfelt portrayal of the challenges of life inside a conflict zone. Steering away from overt political commentary, Zero Bridge pivots on a budding romance, capturing the yearning for better things to come.
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Alex Andonie, 2016, Mexico
Lucky Kuswandi, 2015, Indonesia
Roberto Minervini, 2013, Italy
Reha Erdem, 2009, Turkey
Pedro Almodóvar, 2016, Spain
Humberto Solás, 1968, Cuba
Claude Berri, 1986, France
Marzieh Makhmalbaf, 2000, Iran
Tal Granit,Sharon Maymon, 2012, Israel
Gilles Cuvelier, 2010, France