
What's On MUBI is a website that lists and indexes all films and collections available on MUBI.

It was created out of a need to quickly find out which films are showing in which countries and the ability search/filter them.

We're currently indexing films from 90+ countries so that you don't have to check each country individually. You can see films from the Now Showing and Library sections as well as films that are available for rent.


This website is accessible to everyone for free and will remain so for the foreseeable future, that said it does take money (server, proxy and other costs) as well as lots of time and effort to keep it maintained and work on new features. If you've found the site useful, please consider making a donation. Thanks!


If you've experienced any bugs, would like us to add a feature or have an improvement to suggest, you can send us your feedback!


You can follow us on Twitter (@whatsonmubi) and join our subreddit (/r/whatsonmubi) to stay up to date.


You can reach out on: [email protected]