Masaru and Shinji, two teenage friends, spend most of their school days harassing classmates and playing pranks. Dropping out, they take different paths: one becomes a small-time boxer, the other one a low level gangster. Yet, their life decisions still find a way of catching up with each other.
A coming-of-age gem, Takeshi Kitano’s spirited look at teenage delinquency delicately tempers its violent provocations with tender moments of male camaraderie and affection. Featuring gorgeous music by Joe Hisaishi and an unforgettable color palette, Kids Return is a richly emotional paean to youth.
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Esteban Sapir, 2007, Argentina
Luis Buñuel, 1930, France
Johnnie To, 2008, Hong Kong
Götz Spielmann, 2008, Austria
Aditya Assarat, 2007, Thailand
Wong Kar Wai, 2004, Hong Kong
Marjane Satrapi,Vincent Paronnaud, 2007, France
Michael Haneke, 2001, Austria
Harmony Korine, 2007, United States
David Lynch, 2006, United States