Ben and George take advantage of New York’s new marriage laws and tie the knot after being together for 39 years. Unfortunately, the Catholic school where George teaches does not approve and they fire him, forcing the couple to split and stay with friends while they sell their apartment.
American indie director Ira Sachs has built a stunning oeuvre of humanist and compassionately observed love stories. Here, John Lithgow and Alfred Molina deliver unbelievably moving performances as a gay couple evicted from their home, embodying the struggles and rhythms of love amid adversity.
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Simon Curtis, 2011, United Kingdom
Angela Schanelec, 2004, Germany
Jorge Navas, 2009, Colombia
Nicolas Klotz, 2004, France
Joaquim Sapinho, 2005, Portugal
Agustín Banchero, 2013, Uruguay
James Rasin, 2010, United States
Yonah Lewis,Calvin Thomas, 2011, Canada
Mathieu Amalric, 2010, France
Rob Epstein, 1984, United States