Dominik, a student at an elite private school, withdrawals from his classmates’ torments and humiliations drifts into an online chat world, where he meets a young girl in a “suicide room” who lures Dominik into a dangerous game.
In this his first film, talented Polish director Jan Komasa looks at how virtual reality allows a young teenager to flee the real world by immersing himself in an internet subculture. A bold, experimental debut that explores the problems of youth and our urgent need for escape.
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Rolf de Heer, 2013, Australia
Marlen Khutsiev, 1964, Soviet Union
Gérald Hustache-Mathieu, 2011, France
Roberto Minervini, 2013, Italy
Reha Erdem, 2009, Turkey
Nicolas Bonilauri,Christophe Ali, 2005, France
Juan Cabral, 2019, United Kingdom
George Schnéevoigt, 1929, Norway
Claude Berri, 1986, France
Veiko Õunpuu, 2007, Estonia