Shigeru, a young deaf garbage collector, finds a broken surfboard in a trash can. Soon, he becomes obsessed with surfing. Despite multiple setbacks, Shigeru may finally have a chance to become one with the sea and the surfing community with the support of his longtime girlfriend, Takako.
An icon of Japanese pop culture, Takeshi Kitano is a multimedia artist who both writes poetry and paints when he is not making films or playing in them (Hana-bi, Zatoichi). A Scene at the Sea is one of his most beautiful works: a subtle romantic drama in the spirit of master Yasujiro Ozu.
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Fernando Meirelles, 2011, United Kingdom
Radley Metzger, 1970, Italy
František Vláčil, 1967, Czechoslovakia
Hélène Angel, 1999, France
Thomas Vinterberg, 2012, Denmark
Sergei Parajanov, 1965, Soviet Union
Vicente Ferraz,Apichatpong Weerasethakul,Ayisha Abraham,Wang Bing,Pedro Costa,Chantal Akerman, 2007, Portugal
Anna Margarita Albelo, 2013, United States
Boris Barnet, 1933, Soviet Union
Peter Brosens,Jessica Hope Woodworth, 2009, Germany