The Yakuza Papers 2: Deadly Fight in Hiroshima

Jingi naki tatakai: Hiroshima shito hen

100 mins
7.6 / 10 (188)


Repeatedly beat to a pulp by gamblers, cops, and gangsters, lone wolf Shoji Yamanaka (Kinya Kitaoji) finally finds a home as a Muraoka family hit man and falls in love with boss Muraoka’s niece.

MUBI's take

The hugely popular “Yakuza Papers” series, based on Kōichi Iiboshi’s articles adapting the writings of an imprisoned yakuza, agilely evolved from the original’s sprawling gangland cast to zero in on the turmoil of a single hitman. Kinji Fukasaku returns to direct—and in fact guides the entire saga.

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