The film is set in a coastal fishing village where a wealthy fisherman lives with his wife and young son. Their lives are turned upside down when an American, who is the wife’s past lover, comes into town. The fisherman begins to suspect that the son is actually this foreign intruder’s offspring.
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David Zellner, 2012, United States
Kuba Czekaj, 2015, Poland
Jacques Rivette, 1981, France
György Pálfi, 2006, Hungary
Gaspar Noé, 2009, France
Natalia Orozco, 2017, Colombia
Stéphane Lafleur, 2011, Canada
Michelangelo Antonioni, 1950, Italy
Karim Aïnouz,Marcelo Gomes, 2009, Brazil
Pere Portabella, 1989, Spain