In suburban AnyAmerica of 2001, best friends Enid and Rebecca are two too-smart girls using caustic wit to shield themselves from the toxic effects of living in a cultural wasteland. One day, they discover an amiably creepy kindred spirit, Seymour, a weedy record collector that comes between them.
A generation-defining, endlessly quotable teen movie, Terry Zwigoff’s Oscar®-nominated Ghost World sees Thora Birch and Scarlett Johansson hilariously nailing the dynamic of a proud sisterhood of misfits. A cult indie classic about American loners, and an inspiration to sarcastic girls everywhere!
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David Zellner, 2012, United States
Kuba Czekaj, 2015, Poland
Jacques Rivette, 1981, France
György Pálfi, 2006, Hungary
Gaspar Noé, 2009, France
Natalia Orozco, 2017, Colombia
Charlie Chaplin, 1917, United States
Gérald Hustache-Mathieu, 2011, France
Stéphane Lafleur, 2011, Canada
Christoph Schlingensief, 2004, Germany