Ten years after serving a long prison sentence, Didier Lambert talks about an imprisonment that goes far beyond simple incarceration.
More than one film has courageously fought against the injustice of the prison system. This powerful interview with a former prisoner revolves around the mercurial, palpable tension that emerges between him and the director, Guillaume Bordier, who are locked in a dynamic exchange.
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Guy Maddin, 2007, Canada
Alain Resnais, 1956, France
Chris Marker, 1983, France
Jørgen Leth,Lars von Trier, 2003, Denmark
Stephen Kijak, 2006, United Kingdom
Steven Sebring, 2008, United States
Stuart Samuels, 2005, Canada
Peter Lennon, 1968, Ireland
Agnès Varda, 2000, France
Rob Epstein, 1984, United States