In the aftermath of a typhoon on the Japanese island of Amami Ōshima, teenager Kaito discovers a tattooed body washed ashore. Meanwhile, his girlfriend Kyoto must deal with the approaching death of her mother, an island shaman. Together, the pair struggle to find their place in the world.
Retracing her ancestry back to Japan’s southern island of Amami Ōshima, Naomi Kawase touchingly set this meditation of youth in her family’s originating community. Calling it her own masterpiece, Kawase envelops one in a rare distillation of nature and existence painted upon a canvas of pure calm.
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Esteban Sapir, 2007, Argentina
Luis Buñuel, 1930, France
Takeshi Kitano (Beat Takeshi), 1996, Japan
Johnnie To, 2008, Hong Kong
Götz Spielmann, 2008, Austria
Wong Kar Wai, 2004, Hong Kong
Marjane Satrapi,Vincent Paronnaud, 2007, France
Harmony Korine, 2007, United States
David Lynch, 2006, United States
Mamoru Oshii, 2004, Japan