Set in the shadow of the most magical place on Earth, 6-year-old Moonee and her two best friends forge their own adventures. Meanwhile Moonee’s struggling mom and a kindhearted motel manager protect the kids from the harsh reality that surrounds them.
Has there recently been a U.S. indie that renders a child’s eye-view as other-worldly as The Florida Project? In his radiant follow-up to Tangerine, director Sean Baker dilutes the unsettled grain of life at the margins with the loud, untainted energy of infancy. A neorealist fable for the ages!
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Hirokazu Koreeda, 2004, Japan
Yonah Lewis,Calvin Thomas, 2011, Canada
Clément Cogitore, 2007, Switzerland
Benoît Forgeard, 2012, France
Phuttiphong Aroonpheng, 2018, Thailand
Thomas Arslan, 2010, Germany
Vincent Hazard,Jérémie Boucris, 2007, France
Nicolas Winding Refn, 1999, Denmark
Christophe Honoré, 2009, France
William Friedkin, 2006, United States