In a post-apocalyptic world, a father must protect his son from a group of cannibals who menace the streets. They embark on a journey on foot, traversing the charred remains of North America as they make their way to the warmer southern regions, unsure of what—if anything—awaits them there.
An electrifying adaptation of Cormac McCarthy’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, The Road is both a brutal examination of mortality and a study of father-son relationships. With raw performances from Viggo Mortensen and Charlize Theron, it perfectly captures the dark mood of a post-apocalyptic world.
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Tomás Gutiérrez Alea, 1983, Cuba
Matías Lucchesi, 2014, Argentina
Yolande Moreau, 2013, France
Zhou Hao, 2014, China
Mika Kaurismäki, 2012, Finland
Fien Troch, 2016, Belgium
Juan Andrés Arango Garcia, 2016, Canada
Matthew Porterfield, 2006, United States
Aleksandr Askoldov, 1967, Soviet Union
Silvano Agosti, 1967, Italy