In a world inhabited by humans and rare mythical creatures known as “Cryptids”, zookeeper Lauren brings these beings under the protection of her sanctuary—the Cryptozoo. As she tracks down a dream-eating beast, she enters into a dangerous mission to find it before it is captured by the military.
A psychedelic odyssey to a phantasmagorical world where mythic creatures both enchant and ensnare, Dash Shaw’s vision of a soon-to-be-ruined utopia bursts with hallucinatory images. Channeling retro action-adventure thrills through singular hand-drawn animation, this is a trip you will never forget!
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Radley Metzger, 1970, Italy
María José Alós, 2014, Mexico
Peter Tscherkassky, 1987, Austria
Sergei Parajanov, 1965, Soviet Union
Jonas Mekas, 1999, United States
Gilles Cuvelier, 2010, France
René Clair, 1924, France
Guy Maddin, 2006, Canada
Stéphane Aubier,Vincent Patar, 2009, Belgium
Christoph Schlingensief, 1968, West Germany