In a world inhabited by humans and rare mythical creatures known as “Cryptids”, zookeeper Lauren brings these beings under the protection of her sanctuary—the Cryptozoo. As she tracks down a dream-eating beast, she enters into a dangerous mission to find it before it is captured by the military.
A psychedelic odyssey to a phantasmagorical world where mythic creatures both enchant and ensnare, Dash Shaw’s vision of a soon-to-be-ruined utopia bursts with hallucinatory images. Channeling retro action-adventure thrills through singular hand-drawn animation, this is a trip you will never forget!
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Jean Painlevé, 1934, France
Philippe Garrel, 1968, France
Jacques Rivette, 1976, France
Alain Robbe-Grillet, 1983, France
Adolfo Arrieta, 1974, France
Sergei Parajanov,Dodo Abashidze, 1988, Soviet Union
Joel Wanek, 2013, United States
Vilgot Sjöman, 1967, Sweden
Walerian Borowczyk, 1978, France
Guy Maddin, 2007, Canada