Maso and Miso Go Boating
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Maso and Miso Go Boating

Maso et Miso vont en bateau

55 mins
8.6 / 10 (299)


The year 1975 is declared “year of the woman”. On this occasion, Bernard Pivot invited Françoise Giroud, then Secretary of State for Women, on his popular TV show. A collective of women filmmakers, Les Insoumuses, parody the misogynistic statements from the show in a provocative way.

MUBI's take

Bearing witness to the unabashed misogyny in 1970s France, this documentary irreverently distorts a TV broadcast to reveal the appalling and absurd extremes of systemic patriarchal prejudice. Through playful means, four women filmmakers—Les Insoumuses—make us laugh at a situation worth crying over.

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