Enigmatic and reclusive Swedish filmmaker Roy Andersson begins creating 2019’s About Endlessness, burdened with the philosophical and emotional strains of accepting it will be his final work of art. Meanwhile, he wrestles with the meaning of his own life and reflects on his past filmography.
Charting the making of Roy Andersson’s reported swan song, Fred Scott’s candid documentary playfully probes the human condition in ways befitting of its subject. For both Andersson fans and those new to his work, this is a rich and revelatory portrait of a one-of-a-kind filmmaker.
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Byambasuren Davaa, 2009, Germany
Iván Castiñeiras Gallego, 2015, France
Raymonde Carasco, 1999, France
Libbie D. Cohn,J.P. Sniadecki, 2012, United States
Sébastien Lifshitz, 2012, France
Antoine Barraud, 2010, France
Steven Sebring, 2008, United States
Joana Preiss, 2013, France
Jean Painlevé, 1928, France
Ron Mann, 1992, Canada