In the town of Palermo, Nicola is an impoverished young man and the daily victim of Sicily’s high rate of unemployment. He decides to leave his home town and travels to Wolfsburg, West Germany to find a job. Once there, however, he ends up in jail after killing two Germans with his knife.
Transgressive director Werner Schroeter portrays the rigidity and order of German society with this Golden Bear-winning story of migration, xenophobia, and artistic suppression in the face of economic progress. A hypnotic, baroque experiment of epic length and even more epic scope!
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Anocha Suwichakornpong, 2009, Thailand
Jean-Jacques Jauffret, 2011, France
Rolf de Heer, 2013, Australia
Jacques Rivette, 1981, France
Roger Michell, 2006, United Kingdom
Clément Cogitore, 2015, France
Roberto Minervini, 2013, Italy
Reha Erdem, 2009, Turkey
Rick Castro,Bruce LaBruce, 1996, Germany
Gabriel Retes, 1992, Mexico