Films showing in Lebanon

Baby Bump

Kuba Czekaj, 2015, Poland

Family Life (Zycie rodzinne)

Krzysztof Zanussi, 1971, Poland

Los Hongos

Oscar Ruíz Navia, 2014, Colombia


Marta Minorowicz, 2016, Germany

I Won't Come Back (Ya ne vernus)

Ilmar Raag Dmitry Sheleg, 2014, Russia

Loos Ornamental

Heinz Emigholz, 2008, Austria

Silver Bullets

Joe Swanberg, 2011, United States

The Pleasure of Being Robbed

Joshua Safdie, 2008, United States

Level Five

Chris Marker, 1997, France

Outer Space

Peter Tscherkassky, 1999, Austria

I Am Self-Sufficient (Io sono un autarchico)

Nanni Moretti, 1976, Italy

Lotus (Xiao He | 小荷)

Liu Shu, 2012, China

Drancy Avenir

Arnaud des Pallières, 1997, France