College student Danielle is faced with a series of awkward encounters at a day-long shiva, a Jewish gathering during a time of mourning. Amongst overbearing relatives, she is rattled by the appearance of an ex-girlfriend and of her secret sugar daddy, who unexpectedly arrives with his wife and baby.
A truly unforgettable debut, Emma Seligman’s acclaimed Shiva Baby finds the sweet spot between distress and hilarity. Led by a commanding performance from Rachel Sennott, the film’s masterful formal construction heightens its darkly comedic, sex positive take on family, religion, and sugar daddies.
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Fernando Meirelles, 2011, United Kingdom
Radley Metzger, 1970, Italy
František Vláčil, 1967, Czechoslovakia
Hélène Angel, 1999, France
Pedro Almodóvar, 2016, Spain
Tomás Gutiérrez Alea, 1966, Cuba
Thomas Vinterberg, 2012, Denmark
Sergei Parajanov, 1965, Soviet Union
Amy Watson,Dennis Keighron-Foster, 2018, United Kingdom
Gilles Cuvelier, 2010, France