In the summer of 1960, anthropologist filmmaker Jean Rouch and sociologist Edgar Morin set out to chronicle the everyday lives of Parisians through intimate interviews, debates and observation. Artists, factory workers, students, and others open up to share their experiences, fears and aspirations.
From the simplest of starting points, this remarkable documentary—a collaboration between an anthropologist and a sociologist—metamorphoses into a revealing, reflexive study of human behavior and belief. An influential classic of cinema vérité—in fact, co-director Jean Morin coined the term!
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Carlos Marcovich, 1997, Mexico
Jean Painlevé, 1929, France
Lav Diaz, 2012, Philippines
George Gittoes, 2005, Australia
Aleksandr Balagura, 2012, Ukraine
Michael Ramos Araizaga,Daniel Valdéz Puertos,Edmundo Nobile,Bruno Varela,Adriana Trujillo,Jose Inerzia, 2015, Mexico
Luc Peter,Stephanie Barbey, 2014, Switzerland
Marion Cajori,Amei Wallach, 2008, United States
Sergei Loznitsa, 2002, Russia
Charles Fairbanks,Saul Kak, 2016, United States