Composed of six discreet episodes, The End is a remarkable apocalyptic post-war saga of impending doom, which follows the last day on earth for six people living in the shadow of the A-bomb. A bewildering and incoherent rant against the impending holocaust, directly addressing the viewer.
Haunted by a fear of atomic destruction, the American Beat poet and filmmaker Christopher MacLaine used a cast of his friends to create this chaotic and poetic vision of the apocalypse. Intercutting B&W and color sequences, The End finds brief moments of beauty amid the ruins of the 20th century.
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Pere Portabella, 1969, Spain
František Vláčil, 1967, Czechoslovakia
Nicolas Winding Refn, 2013, United States
Léa Forest,Cosme Castro, 2013, France
Pedro Almodóvar, 2016, Spain
Humberto Solás, 1968, Cuba
Bernardo Bertolucci, 2012, Italy
Avi Mograbi, 1999, Israel
Peter Tscherkassky, 2006, Austria
Sergei Parajanov,Dodo Abashidze, 1988, Soviet Union