This short film explores the unusual reproductive cycle of seahorses, where the female gives the male eggs for both fertilisation and birth. The film is replete with scientific detail: Jean Painlevé’s narration guides our attention, and even reveals the drumming heartbeat of a newborn seahorse.
From the great French biologist-turned-filmmaker comes this breathtaking jewel of underwater surrealism and one of Jean Painlevé’s most successful films. Marvel at the magical motions of this unique and curiously medieval creature: from the magnified growth of an embryo to an explosive male birth!
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Dariela Ludlow, 2016, Mexico
Melisa Liebenthal, 2016, Argentina
Paul Poet, 2002, Austria
Bill Plympton, 1996, United States
Viviana García-Besné, 2009, Mexico
Peter Tscherkassky, 2010, Austria
Gaspar Noé, 2009, France
Natalia Orozco, 2017, Colombia
Charlie Chaplin, 1917, United States
Sergio Oksman, 2015, Spain