The story of a friendship spanning generations and boundaries: a Hungarian soldier escapes to the West in the ’50s. The son of a U.S. soldier runs to the East in the ’90s. Their paths cross in Bogotá, Colombia, and they become friends by sharing memories of the same land but of very different times.
This traveling documentary relates a friendship across countries and nations that speaks of history, curiosity, and the broad and wildly subjective concept of home. Between Hungary, the United States, and Colombia, an amalgam of various memories form the basis for a touching cinematic dialogue.
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Melisa Liebenthal, 2016, Argentina
Nagisa Ôshima, 1976, Japan
Helene Klodawsky, 2013, Canada
Arash T. Riahi,Arman T. Riahi, 2013, Austria
Saad Khan,Saadat Munir, 2013, Pakistan
Rodney Ascher, 2012, United States
Affonso Uchoa, 2014, Brazil
Jeffrey Schwarz, 2011, United States
Idalmis Del Risco, 2015, Mexico
Andrew Kötting, 2017, United Kingdom